Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday is all about Scrapbooking for me!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

80 lbs post op now!! I might yet make my goal I set for Christmas!!
Hopefully I can get a new picture this weekend when we celebrate our Mom's birthday on Saturday. I am finally starting to get excited! I mean I have been so happy the whole way thru this but this morning when I stepped on the scale I got butterflies in my stomach when I saw the numbers appear. I dont know why it's exciting now because who wouldnt be excited to have already lost over 100 +lbs in the last year. With the weight I had to loose to have the surgury from when I started the program in May 2007 till I had the surgury in March 2008 I have basically lost a whole normal size teenager already between May 2007 and now.

I think this calls for me to finally start the Weight loss scrapbooking album I wanted to do unless I can convince anyone else to do the scrapbook for me it would be cool to see this process thru someone else's eyes than my own since we are all harder on ourselves then others would be. Anyone insterested ???? :)